How to calculate whether or not you have a premium starting hand

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One of the keys to success at Texas Hold’em is knowing how to calculate whether or not you have a premium starting hand.
Here is a simple numerical system you can use to figure out the real value of your hole cards. Add together the value of your two hole cards using the following points table. Ace-16pts King-14pts Queen 13 pts Jack-12 pts ten-11pts. Every other card is worth its face value. E.g. a three is 3pts and a seven is 7pts. Okay. If your two hole cards are same suited add 4pts to their combined total, if your two cards are paired, add 10 pts to their combined value. If your hole cards are connected E.g. jack-queen or ten-jack etc, add 3pts.
If your hole cards have a one card “gap” E.g. ten-queen or jack-king, add two points and if they have a two card gap, add just 1pt to their combined value.
If having followed the above simple calculations your “start hand” totals 30 pts or more it is definitely a premium hand and may be played from all positions if you are not facing a raise.
From mid-position you could play unraised hands with 27pts and in late position you can go with hands at 25pts or above. If you are considering a raise or calling a raise you should ideally have 34 pts from early position, 31 pts in mid-position and 29 pts from late position.
Various simulations have proved that by using the 30 pt system detailed above a player in a normal ten handed game will win in just under 20% of games. In other words your chances are DOUBLED!
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ALL THE ACES poker column: Tuesday December 27, 2005: How to calculate whether or not you have a premium starting hand