Poker Lingo
Learn The Poker Lingo Used By All The Top Poker Players!
Experienced players of Texas Hold 'Em and other styles of poker will know the Poker Lingo that follows but it's handy to have a column that you can tear out with all the poker lingo you're likely to encounter online or off. For beginners it's an essential piece of kit, so stick it on your PC.
Action: Any actual betting or opportunity to bet.
All-in: If you run out of chips during a hand you can go all-in. This means that you bet all the chips you have on the table and are entitled to see the community cards and take part in the showdown, at which time you can win up to the amount you went all-in for from each player. The all-in is also used for situations where a player in a hand loses an online connection to the server. If this happens you are assumed to be all-in and the usual rules take over.
Bad Beat: To be the obvious favourite in a hand who loses to an opponent statistically considered the underdog.
Blinds: Compulsory bets introduced to ensure there's money to gamble in every pot. The player to the immediate left of the dealer posts the small blind, and the player to their left posts the big blind (generally double the small blind). Blind sizes are dictated by table stakes.
Board: The collective name for community cards in hold 'em.
Button: A small puck with 'dealer' on it which moves round one player each hand. The action starts with this virtual dealer.
Buy-in: The amount of chips you start with or the cost of entry.
Call: When a player matches a bet that's already been made.
Cap: The last raise permitted in a round e.g. an online game might allow three raises beyond the initial bet in limit games.
Check: If there's no bet on the table and you don't want to place a bet, that action is termed a check. You may only check when there are no prior bets or blinds made on that round.

Collusion: Cheating! Where two players attempt to gain an unfair advantage by sharing information such as their hole cards during a game. Many online sites will confiscate the account of anyone caught cheating.
Community Cards: The face-up cards centre table shared by all players in Texas hold e'm and Omaha.
Down Cards: See Hole Cards.
Drawing Dead: When there are still cards to come but none of them can help you win.
Fifth Street: The term for the fifth board card in Texas hold 'em.
Flop: The name for the first three community cards dealt face-up after the first round of betting in Texas hold 'em.
Flush: Five cards of the same suit. In Texas hold 'em you can make a flush using two, one or none of your hole cards, but in Omaha you must use both your hole cards.
Fold: You toss in your cards and quit the current hand, kissing goodbye to any chips you've bet.
Fourth Street: The name of the fourth community card in hold 'em and Omaha.
Freeroll: This applies to poker tournaments where there's no entry fee but where the House guarantees a prize pool to the winners.
Full House: A five card hand made up of a pair and three-of-a-kind.
Heads Up: When just two players are in contention for the pot. A heads up tournament is where you go one-on-one from start to f