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Poker Odds:
Count Your Outs

A quick way of calculating your
winning poker odds following the flop...

Following the flop, remember to use the four and two rule. Make sure you count the cards that may give you the winning hand (your “outs”) and multiply that figure by four to arrive at your percentage chance of winning at the “turn” or the “river”. If the “turn” hasn’t assisted you then you multiply by two to arrive at your poker odds for the upcoming “river”. The resulting percentages at either stage will guide your decision on what action to take.

Poker odds - count your outs

When you are in one of the blind positions, you are at an obvious disadvantage to the rest of the players. The golden rule is only play from the blinds if you have a rock solid hand. No matter how the game develops, you will always be out of position, so your cards need to be good enough to overcome your situation.

Learn poker odds strategy?
Get your copy of
Final Table Poker DVD now!

Is there no end to Star columnist and TV presenter Helen Chamberlain’s relentless pursuit of the title Queen of Poker? The important issue is not that the brainy blonde recently picked up a cool $80,000 at a well-staged Ladbroke’s online tournament. The significant fact is that she sidelined the 2005 World Series of Poker Champ Joseph Hachem on the way to the money. Within days  elen’s prize money suddenly ballooned by another $400,000 as Hell’s Bells stormed her way through the richest televised poker tournament in Europe to beat everyone bar the eventual winner, Tony Jones. The woman’s on fire!  Housewives please note. Poker does not require you to be able to withstand a Rooney-style elbow in the face or having your legs shaved by Gary Neville’s studs. It’s a completely non-sexist game, which makes a change.

Hell's Bell's Helen Chamberlain raking another big pot!


The success of the Ladies International Poker Series (LIPS) is proof of how many women are now taking up Texas Hold’em and Omaha. One of the offshoots of the series is the launch of a new division called Ladies Night. The concept is to encourage women to play in a league with points being earned via home games and tournaments. If a player earns enough points LIPS will give her the chance to play in Las Vegas during May of 2006 in the second LIPS Grand Championship. Thousands of dollars in prize money are up for grabs. Promoters for the LIPS Tour to Vegas are keen to point out that their contest is aimed directly at women who are geographically unable to play poker in physical casinos under normal circumstances and who have gained their experience online. May as well make your very first visit to a physical casino via a jet to Vegas at someone else’s expense?

LIPS Ladies Poker Tour

 Ladies play poker online at:

ALL THE ACES poker column:
October 14, 2005: 
Poker odds: Count your outs